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Gwadar Wikipedia. Gwadar Balochi and Urdu pronounced d Arabic is a port city on the southwestern coast of Balochistan, Pakistan. The city is located on the shores of the Arabian Sea, approximately 7. Pakistans largest city, Karachi. Cost Of Ecns License' title='Cost Of Ecns License' />Cost Of Ecns LicenseGwadar is near the border with Iran, and is located to the east of the Persian Gulf and opposite Oman. It was an overseas possession of Oman from 1. For most of its history, Gwadar was a small to medium sized settlement with an economy largely based on artisanal fishing. The strategic value of its location was first recognized in 1. United States Geological Survey at the request of Pakistan while the territory was still under Omani rule. The areas potential to be a major deep water port remained untapped under successive Pakistani governments until 2. Cost Of Ecns License' title='Cost Of Ecns License' />A glossary on new product development integrated product development terms and acronyms. Notice Although this Canadian online stock brokerage reviewcomparison is dated back to Dec 2006, the information below is updated regularly. Are stock tr. Learn about commonly used terminology as it relates to Initial Public Offerings IPOs from Fidelity Investments. Gwadar Balochi and Urdu pronounced d Arabic is a port city on the southwestern coast of Balochistan, Pakistan. Vision Statement. We deliver world leading IT solutions and service to the SME and Corporate community in South Africa, in a cost effective manner through the. Learn how to cancel speeding tickets, beat parking tickets, cancel speed camera tickets, and more New online guide from UK motoring law expert contains ALL the legal. Cost Of Ecns License' title='Cost Of Ecns License' />Gwadar Port was initiated. The first phase was inaugurated by General Parvez Musharraf in 2. The port remained underutilized after construction for a variety of reasons, including lack of investment, security concerns, and the Government of Pakistans failure to transfer land as promised to the port operator, Port of Singapore Authority. In April 2. Pakistan and China announced their intention to develop the 4. ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor CPEC,6 which in turn forms part of Chinas ambitious One Belt, One Road. Gwadar features heavily in CPEC, and is also envisaged to be the link between the One Belt, One Road and Maritime Silk Road project. CPEC,9 with the aim of linking northern Pakistan and western China to the deep water seaport. The city will also be the site of a floating liquefied natural gas facility that will be built as part of the larger 2. Gwadar Nawabshah segment of the IranPakistan gas pipeline project. In addition to investments directly under the aegis of CPEC in Gwadar city, the China Overseas Port Holding Company in June 2. Gwadar Special Economic Zone,1. Special Economic Zones of China. In September 2. 01. Gwadar Development Authority published a request for tenders for the preparation of expropriation and resettlement of Old Town Gwadar. EtymologyeditThe word Gwadar is a combination of two Balochi words Gwat meaning wind and Dar meaning Gateway, thus Gwadar means The Gateway of wind. A different theory is that the name is derived from the ancient name of Baluchistan, Gedrosia, which was given by the Greeks to the arid area of southern Baluchistan. HistoryeditAncient HistoryeditInhabitation of Gwadar, like most areas of Balochistan, appears to be ancient. The area shows inhabitation as early as the bronze age with settlements around some of the areas oases. It is from this settlement pattern that word Makran, the original name of Balochistan, is derived. For a period, it was a region of the Achaemenid. Persian Empire. It is believed to have been conquered by the founder of the Persian Empire, Cyrus the Great. The capital of the satrapy of Gedrosia was Pura, which is thought to have been located near the modern Bampr, in Iranian Balochistan. During the homeward march of Alexander the Great, his admiral, Nearchus, led a fleet along the modern day Makran coast and recorded that the area was dry, mountainous, and inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi or fish eaters, an ancient Greek rendering of the ancient Persian phrase Mahi khoran, which has itself become the modern word Makran. After the collapse of Alexanders empire the area was ruled by Seleucus Nicator, one of Alexanders generals. The region then came under Mauryan rule around 3. BCE, after Seleucus made peace with Emperor Chandragupta and ceded the territory to the Mauryans. Enclave of GwadareditThe region remained on the sidelines of history for a millennium until the Arab Muslimarmy of Umar captured Makran in AD 6. This was then followed by almost two centuries of local rule by the various Balochtribes. The city was visited by Ottoman. Admiral. Seydi Ali Reis in the 1. Mirat ul Memalik The Mirror of Countries, 1. According to Seydi Ali Reis, the inhabitants of Gwadar were Baloch and their chief was Malik Jelaleddin, son of Malik Dinar. In the 1. 5th century the Portuguese conquered many parts of India and Oman. They planned to proceed with annexation of the coastal area of Makran. They attacked Gwadar under the leadership of Vasco de Gama, but under the supervision of Commander Mir Ismaheel Baloch, the Portuguese were defeated by the Baloch. A few times the Portuguese looted and set the coastal villages on fire, but they failed to capture Gwadar. Cannons of the Portuguese army were found lying near the Central Jail of Gwadar, heirless. The grave of Mir Ismaheel Baloch is situated near the Mountain of Batal Gwadar, constructed by Mir Ismaheel Baloch himself during life. He died in 8. 73 Hijri. In 1. 78. 3, the Khan of Kalat Mir Noori Naseer Khan Baloch granted suzerainty over Gwadar to Taimur Sultan, the defeated ruler of Muscat. When the sultan subsequently retook Muscat, he was to continue his rule in Gwadar by appointing a wali or governor. This wali was then ordered to subjugate the nearby coastal town of Chah Bahar now in Iran. The Gwadar fort was built during Omani rule, whilst telegraph lines were later extended into the town courtesy of the British. In the middle of the 1. Mir Noori Naseer Khan Baloch captured Gwadar and its surrounding areas after defeating the Gichki Baloch tribe and included it in the Kalat Khanate. However, realizing that maintaining control of the area will be difficult without the support of the Gichkis, Mir Nasir entered into an agreement with the local Gichki Chief, which allowed the Gichkis to maintain administrative control of the area, in return for furnishing half the collected revenues to Kalat, this arrangement continued till 1. When Saiad Sultan fell out with his brother, the ruler of Muscat, and asked for help, Mir Noori Naseer Khan handed over Gwadar, as part of his share of revenues, to Saiad Sultan for his maintenance with the understanding that the area be returned to Kalat, when Saiad Sultan acquires the throne. Saiad Sultan ascended to the throne of Muscat in 1. Funny Trolley Games. Gwadar enclave to Kalat. The ensuing struggle between the heirs of the Sultan and Khan of Kalat for possession of Gwadar, allowed the British to intervene. The British after extracting concessions from the Sultan for the use of the area facilitated Muscat to retain Gwadar. Hydraulic Cad Software. Later on, the British claimed that the area was granted to the Sultan by Mir Nasir, however, local accounts and the declassified documents of that time challenge this claim. Super Spontan 2013 Minggu 6'>Super Spontan 2013 Minggu 6. From 1. 86. 3 to 1. Gwadar was the headquarters of a British Assistant Political Agent. Gwadar was a fortnightly port of call for the British India Steamship Navigation Companys steamers and included a combined Post Telegraph Office. Sultan was the sovereign of Gwadar until negotiations were held with the government of Pakistan in the 1. Post 1. 95. 8 as part of PakistaneditIn 1. Makran acceded to Pakistan and was made a district Gwadar then, was not included in Makran. In 1. 95. 8, Gwadar and its surrounding areas were reverted by Maskat to Pakistan. It was given the status of a Tahsil of Makran district. It was Feroz Khan Noons regime when accession of Gwadar took place2. Akbar Bugti, as minister of state for defence, was part of negotiations. On July 1, 1. 97.